Parents & Friends Association

The St Mary MacKillop College Parents & Friends Association (P&F) performs a very important role within the College. We ask parents within our school community, especially incoming Kindergarten and Year 7 families, to consider lending their time and talents to the P&F.


Download the 2025 Nomination Form

P&F meetings are held in Multi-Purpose Room at Central Admin on the second Monday of the month at 6:00pm. If you would like to do more to improve the College for the benefit of your children, we would love to see you there.

The focus of the P&F is not solely fundraising activities, but also includes:

  • Liaising between parents and the Principal, teaching staff and School Board
  • Giving guidance and feedback to the Principal on non-curricular initiatives
  • Organising social events

Fundraising assistance from the P&F benefits the College, students and staff through:

  • Contributions towards purchase of equipment and resources
  • Allocation of funding for classroom resources and equipment
  • Assisting students to represent the state or country in sporting, cultural and leadership events.

Your current Executive is:

  • Sergio Rojas – President
  • Tasha O'Neill – Vice President
  • Josh Hardy – Treasurer
  • Sara Davies – Secretary


St Mary MacKillop College P&F President
Sergio Rojas

The College benefits enormously from having parents involved in various ways. We need your help. There are three key structures where you can help:

  • Classroom Representatives – we need a class representative for each class in the Primary Campus.
  • Single Event Help – pick an event that suits you on a day that suits you, eg cooking on a BBQ at the Family Night or baking a cake for the Athletics Carnival.Please consider placing your name down in some of the events listed.
  • Mary MacKillop Care - A service to support families in crisis – offer an activity/service you will be able to help with at short notice, eg we may get a request formeals for a family for this week. Please consider placing your name down to be contacted should the need arise, you might have other commitments at the time needed, no problems, we will contact others on this list.

Register your availability by completing the following online form.