National Simultaneous Storytime

National Simultaneous Storytime

Library and Information Week was celebrated in the Primary campus this week with our Annual Book Fair and participation in the National Simultaneous Storytime.

Primary students were part of over one million participants across more than 8,250 venues in Australia who read the children’s book ‘Hickory Dickory Dash’ at 11am on Wednesday.

“All children benefit from being read to,” said K-12 Teacher Librarian Kerry Muste, “and not just small children.”

Ms Muste also shared a recent article that gives parents and grandparents some great tips about reading to children:

  1. Start early, read often.
  2. Read the pictures. Illustrations are visual clues that can help kids build their vocabulary and their emotional toolkit.
  3. Press the pause button. Take time to look at a picture, ask a question, or share reactions. Help kids make connections between what they read and the world around them.