
Year 9s visit Canberra

Earlier this Term, 52 Year 9 students accompanied by five staff ventured to the Nation's Capital. They were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.

Pre Primary students celebrate 100 days of school this year

Pre Primary students have been counting how many days they have been attending school this year, as part of their Maths extension. When the 100 days of school was reached a celebration was in order!
The children participated in counting 100 objects, built a tower using 100 cups and also made a '100 days smarter' crown to wear.

Neurodiversity – latest SchoolTV edition

Neurodiversity emphasises the natural variation in how an individual’s brain functions and how they perceive and interact with the world, leading to diverse ways of learning and communicating. While most young people are neurotypical, some exhibit variations in brain development, such as ADHD, autism or dyslexia, making them neurodivergent.

Manufacturing Industry Studies at MacKillop

The Manufacturing Industry Studies Pathway at MacKillop is designed to give students the best platform to gain employment, apprenticeship or further study opportunities in a variety of trade areas.

Selecting this pre-designed pathway for Year 11 and 12 enables students to graduate from the College with English, Mathematics and RE, while completing Certificate II courses in Building & Construction, Furnishing and Engineering Pathways.

Curtin UniReady at MacKillop

This month, one of our first students to complete the Uni-Ready course in Year 12 last year finished her first semester studying Health Sciences at Curtin University – and she’s loving it!

Imogen Tolley spoke to us about how studying Curtin Uni-Ready, offered in Busselton ONLY at MacKillop, helped her find a way into university - and also prepared her for studying at this level.

Year 12 Hospitality – Final Excursion

Our Year 12 Certificate II Hospitality students were treated to a spectacular day out this week visiting two local industry ‘hot spots’, where they were given a comprehensive demonstration of the hospitality industry at work, and even had the opportunity to be guests rather than hosts for a change.

ACC Football Year 10

Year 10 Football Carnival

On Wednesday 4 August, our ACC Football squad students travelled up to Hay Park, Bunbury for the Year 10 Eagles Schoolboys Cup and the Year 10 Girls Fremantle Dockers Cup, competing for superiority amongst a number of schools in the South West Division.

Teen Mental Health First Aid

Senior students learn Mental Health First Aid

On Monday our Year 10 and Year 11 students completed the third and final installment of a Mental Health First Aid course for teens. This follows the Youth Mental Health First Aid course completed by our Pastoral and Student Reception staff earlier this year.

Year 5 and 6 Winter Carnival

Year 5 and 6 Winter Carnival in Bunbury

On Thursday 3 June, the Year 5 and 6 students headed up for the annual Primary School Winter Carnival which took place in Bunbury at Hay Park.

Students from around the South West had been preparing for battle across a variety of sports which included football, hockey, netball and soccer.

Year 7 ACC Football Cup

Year 7 ACC Football - Tuesday 22 June Hay Park Bunbury

On Tuesday the 22 June, the Yr 7 AFL Boys and Girls teams represented the College in the Fremantle Dockers Cup at Hay Park in Bunbury.

Following two weeks of preparation for the AFL carnival, both the boys and girls teams were ready to showcase their wares in what was to be excellent conditions for football in a very competitive pool.