Middle School
In Year 7, St Mary MacKillop College students are carefully introduced to a vibrant Middle School environment through a supportive homeroom in a dedicated classroom cluster. Progressively streamed classes from Years 7 - 9 encourage English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities oriented students to be challenged academically, preparing them for the wide range of course options in Senior School.
Practical and creative rotations in Years 7 and 8 allow students to discover and develop their skills and interests in the Arts, Sports and Technologies with the help of passionate specialist teachers. From Year 9 they begin to find their practical and creative focus, choosing semester course electives in these areas.
- Visual Art, Music, Dance and Drama offered as Practical & Creative electives.
- For information on the Music Instrumental Program and other co-curricular arts and performance opportunities, see our Arts page.
- All students from Kindergarten to Year 8 study Italian.
- Students can continue Italian from Year 9 as a full year elective.
- All students in Kindergarten to Year 10 participate in Health & Physical Education lessons with a passionate and qualified Phys Ed teacher.
- Outdoor Education or Physical Recreation offered as Practical & Creative electives.
- For information on co-curricular sporting opportunities, including representing the College in various individual or team sports, see our Sports page.
- Students in Middle School have a personal, high quality laptop with connections to their school, community and home.
- IT classes in Middle School provide students with the skills, knowledge and awareness to become responsible digital citizens.
- Jewellery, Food Science, Wood and Metal technologies offered as Practical & Creative electives.
8.45am to 3.20pm