Inaugural Curiosity Academy Showcase

Inaugural Curiosity Academy Showcase

On Wednesday 16 October the Curiosity Academy held their first ever Showcase at the College, in the Secondary Library. Up to thirty families attended the evening to explore the range of topics, events and projects their children had been involved in throughout the year.

Displays from Primary students (Years 4-6) included Tournament of Minds, Philosophy, STEM projects from the ‘Circuit Breakers’ as well as project-based learning about the importance of bees to our environment. The showcase also incorporated a short walk to the Primary Library to see the colourful book spines painted by the Awesome Artists.

The Secondary students involved in the Curiosity Academy (Years 7 and 8) had their audience captivated and marvelling at their many projects on display. There were Rube Goldberg machines as well as insightful artwork based on the concept of ‘synaesthesia’. Delicious tastings were on offer from students who completed inquiry projects about ‘War and Peace’, along with empathetic letters they had written from the perspective of refugees. Other student inquiry projects on the theme of “Giving Bees a Chance” were also on display.

As well as the many displays, the Library was a-buzz with critical thinking challenges and games as well as informative powerpoints showing highlights of some of the excursions and stimulating learning opportunities that have been a part of a very busy year so far. Mrs Muste and Mrs Christie said they have enjoyed working with the students from across both campuses, and welcomed the encouraging feedback from parents.

The Curiosity Academy is a program run in both primary and secondary campuses at St Mary MacKillop College to cater for students learning needs beyond the classroom setting and to assist them to celebrate their gifts and further develop their talents.