Sea Life dress-up day

Sea Life dress-up day

At the end of last term Mrs Marshall’s Kindy class enjoyed a dress-up day to wrap up their learning inquiry into sea life.

Students investigated what lives in the sea, their favourite sea creature and a resulting discussion on boats - and pirates, of course. The dramatic play area became an under-the-sea grotto which included a pirate ship with dress-ups and a host of sea creatures. With blue cellophane over the windows, sheer blue cloth draped over the area and sea creature artwork hanging from it, students could pretend they were under the ocean.

The investigation table was set up with information books about sea life, ships, pirates and mermaids as well as shells, coral, and seaweed. We set up a small world area using sea creatures, boats and mermaids to extend our language and vocabulary.

During our investigation we talked about whether we would like to be a sea creature - if so, which one and why; a good pirate or a bad pirate and why; or a mermaid, which led to a discussion of whether mermaids were real or make-believe. We concluded our learning inquiry with the children choosing which character to come dressed as for our sea life dress-up day.