MacKillop Rocks Holiday Fun

MacKillop Rocks Holiday Fun

To encourage students to get outside over the holidays in between the rain, and to create a fun College community event, the Student Council set up a rock painting emporium in the Primary Campus undercover area at the end of last term, to create rock treasures to be hidden, found and enjoyed by other families over the break.

You may have seen the current Facebook craze of kids getting outdoors to play hide-and-seek with hand painted rocks. These are generally small, flat garden stones with simple pictures or a nice message painted on either side, hidden in parks and public spaces. With photos posted on a Facebook page, other families can go to the area or park, find the rocks, and perhaps re-hide them somewhere else.

Students from many Primary classes joined the Student Council, staff and a lucky parent helper (thank you Shaun Caruana) to paint rocks and let their creative juices flow for an hour or two in the last week of term.

A closed Facebook page was created where families could log where they had hidden and found rocks. The group grew to include 83 families, who dodged the rain to hide-and-seek rocks everywhere from the Busselton foreshore to New Norcia. The weather also led to families getting creative and crafting rock ‘hotels’ to accommodate their colourful guests.

It was a very fun initiative by our proactive Student Council, and a great activity for all ages.