VET Matters: MIS students take on furniture projects

VET Matters: MIS students take on furniture projects

It has been a busy and productive start to the year for our MIS (Manufacturing Industry Studies) students. It started with an information session for all students and their parents that outlined the program for the next two years. The evening gave the students the opportunity to show their parents our Design and Technology facilities and the type of projects that they will be working on. The students will be kept busy over the rest of the term as they also complete their senior first aid certificate and attend VET week. During VET week, students will attain nationally accredited competencies including working at heights and assembling scaffold to restricted heights. They will also gain experience at brick and block laying and a certificate in fire awareness and fire extinguisher use.

Currently the Year 11 students are completing their first Building and Construction project at our off site facility at the Busselton Trade Training Centre and the Year 12 students are constructing three picnic benches for the College’s Early Learning Centre. We have orders for another five picnic benches, so the Year 12 students will oversee the construction of these while teaching their skills and knowledge to the Year 11 students.

During Metal Engineering classes the Year 11 students have completed their Metal Fabrication project and will start to use more complex machines and resources including lathes, arc and MIG welders, and oxygen acetylene equipment. The Year 12 students will begin to design and fabricate purpose built standing desks to be housed in our Year 7 classrooms.

While attending Mr Ferguson’s Furnishing classes the Year 12 students have designed pieces of furniture and are now working with the wood machines and equipment to construct their projects. The Year 11 students are laminating different timbers to use in their skateboard deck designs. I can’t help feeling I’ve been transported back to the early 70’s with these cool designs.

The most pleasing part of the year so far is witnessing our Year 12 students demonstrate a safe and positive work ethic for our Year 11 students to follow.

I would also like to pass on our congratulations to the graduating MIS students from 2016. I have had contact with all students and it is pleasing to know that they have been able to use the skills and knowledge gained while studying in the MIS pathway to gain employment or secure entrance to further studies.

Mr Steve Parry
Head of Technology and Enterprise
