Kirrane House Day: celebrating inclusion

Kirrane House Day: celebrating inclusion

Last Wednesday, the Secondary campus kicked off the first of its annual House days by celebrating Kirrane with a feast of green, just a few days short of St Patrick’s Day.

Students in Years 7-12 in Kirrane were invited to wear their green House shirts on the day and treated to a welcoming reception and priority seating for Assembly – entering the gymnasium to applause and the rousing anthem ‘Paint the Town Green’ by The Script.

Student Council members from Kirrane, Ibra’him Bhorat and Hannah Armstrong, introduced the concept of our four House legends, before detailing the life of Sister Mary Kirrane, whose faith and courage in her leadership of Busselton’s catholic school community was pivotal in facilitating their relocation to West Busselton in 1987 and in later helping to establish the College that was to form our Secondary campus.

Hannah and Ibra’him called on Kirrane students to champion the College value of Inclusion by helping to create a welcoming and supportive community and fostering a sense of belonging both within the College and beyond it. They also challenged students to include those students on the margins or in need, and also to act on the House motto: to have the courage to ‘Make it Happen’.
At the end of assembly, Kirrane students shared a special lunchtime treat of ‘green’ cupcakes, juice and lollies.