Timor Team 2018 starts with a splash of colour

Timor Team 2018 starts with a splash of colour

The 2018 Timor team has been selected and representing the St Mary MacKillop College community in Timor next year will be:

  • Diwan Ackerman
  • Sarah Court
  • Ethan Durrant
  • Tayla Jackson
  • Ned McMinigal
  • Ross Rann
  • Lili Renfrey
  • Sam Tolley
  • Sophie Wilmot

They have begun their fundraising efforts with flair and colour, setting up a face painting stall at the recent Hannay Lane Street Party in Dunsborough which became a runaway success.

Students and helpful family members raised approx $500 from the stall, and enjoyed the experience so much that they are keen to offer their artistic flair to other events between now and their departure for Timor in July next year.

Next they will be putting their barbeque skills to the test offering burgers and a sausage sizzle to families from the Primary Campus before their Christmas Concert next Tuesday, make sure you drop by and grab a bite to eat if you attending.

In December the Timor Team will be volunteering at the Iron Kids and Iron Man events and are looking for more volunteers, see the ‘For All Parents’ section of the newsletter for details on how to register if you can help.