Kimberley High Tea Raffle results

The 2021 Kimberley High Tea Raffle was drawn at 4pm on Wednesday 23 June. The draw results are as follows:

First Prize: #329 Michelle Afflick
Second Prize: #273 Kerry Muste
Third Prize: #210 Kate Mackie

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising efforts to support remote schools and Aboriginal communities in the East Kimberley region.

Timor Team 2018 starts with a splash of colour

The 2018 Timor team has been selected and representing the St Mary MacKillop College community in Timor next year will be:

Diwan Ackerman, Sarah Court, Ethan Durrant, Tayla Jackson, Ned McMinigal, Ross Rann, Lili Renfrey, Sam Tolley, Sophie Wilmot

They have begun their fundraising efforts with flair and colour, setting up a face painting stall at the recent Hannay Lane Street Party in Dunsborough which became a runaway success.

2017 Secondary Presentation Night

St Mary MacKillop College’s Annual Secondary Presentation Night was held on Thursday evening, 16 November, in the College gymnasium. This formal evening recognised the efforts of the College’s finest academic and performing arts students for the year, and also showcased a few of the highlights from 2017.

All Subject Awards for Years 7-12 were presented, as well as a number of Special Awards sponsored by various organisations and businesses.

D&T Project Exhibition Awards

The Design & Technology Project Exhibition was held in the Gymnasium foyer from Wednesday 25 to Friday 27 October. The exhibition displayed student work from the subject areas of Design and Technology, Home Economics and Digital Technology and included displays in photography, robotics, coding, 3D printing, metal, acrylic, wood and furniture design.

Introducing Lisa, our new Aboriginal liaison officer

Lisa Weston joins the College community this term to work with all students, particularly our Aboriginal students, in promoting Aboriginal culture and providing a critical link to the community.

Having lived in the South West all her life, Lisa loves anything to do with the beach and summer, including swimming, fishing and BBQs. She also has a real passion for education, with four children of her own, and joins our student support team from a similar role at Busselton Senior High School.

Year 12 students enjoy their final day

The last day of Term 3 is always an emotional day. For our Year 12 students, the day marks the end of their journey as students of St Mary MacKillop College. They also hand the mantle of leaders in our College community to our Year 11 students.

The morning commenced for the Year 12s with the Graduation Breakfast in the Multi-Purpose Room.